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Soulful Spaces
Intuitive Landscape Design
& Flower Essences
balcony, patio & Outdoor room design
Regardless of how big or small your balcony, courtyard or patio, we can make it into an extension of your home. You'll have your own outdoor room as a sanctuary.
We’ll determine the specifics of how you'd like to use the space, create a design of your outdoor room and then determine the best path for installation.
I can work with all styles and budgets to find the elements that are most important to incorporate into your design and make a space where you will feel nourished and centered. I’m experienced at working within HOA guidelines so you can rest easy knowing that your design will fit within building codes.​
Click here to tell me more about your project and schedule a consultation.

A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms. – Zen Shin Quotes
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